Main Blackett Tree

Interactive tree of Sir Robert Wolrige Gordon 8th of Craigmillar and 13th of Liberton

Sir William Stratford Dugdale 19222014
Lady Belinda Pleydell-Bouverie 19251961
Cecilia Mary Mount
Sir John Robert Stratford Dugdale 19231994
Kathryn Edith Helen Stanley 19232004
Judith Margaret Dugdale 2018
John Evelyn Shirley 19222009
Susan Dugdale
Timothy Neil Hughes-Onslow 19241995
Margaret Gilmour 18921965
Sir William Francis Stratford Dugdale 18721965
Sir Robert Wolrige Gordon 8th of Craigmillar and 13th of Liberton 18571939
Lady Susan Lygon 18701962