Main Blackett Tree

Interactive tree of Adelaide of Normandy Countess of Aumale

Ada of Huntingdon 11391206
Margaret of Huntingdon 11401206
Malcolm IV, King of Scotland 11411165
William I, The Lion, King of Scotland 11421214
Isabel Avenel 1143
David, Earl of Huntingdon 11441219
Marjorie of Huntingdon 1152
Gilchrist (Gille Crist) Angus 11541206
Henry Dunkeld , 3rd Earl of Huntingdon and Prince of Scotland 11141152
Ada de Warenne 11201178
Maud or Matilda, Countess of Huntingdon 10741130
King David I of Scotland 10841153
Judith of Lens 1054
Waltheof, Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton 10501076
Adelaide of Normandy Countess of Aumale 10301090
Lambert II Count of Lens 1054
Robert I Duke of Normandy 10001035
Herleve 1050