Main Blackett Tree

James Nicholson + Anne Powell

1 child
Birth: 22 September 1713 West Strainton, Co. Durham
Death: August 1727Durham City, Co. Durham
Death: August 1719Durham City, Co. Durham

Facts and events

Unique identifier

James Nicolson of the Parish of S, Paul Covent Garden Batchelor & Anne Powell of the Parish of St Martins in the Fields were married in the Parish Church of S Swithin. [Licence]
Articles of Agreement for marriage settlement dated 9 Jun 1711:
(1) James Nicholson of Durham, esq., and Jane Wharton of Durham, widow, his mother
(2) Colonel Thomas Allen of St. Martin in the Fields, Middlesex, esq.
(3) Ann Powell of St. Martin in the Fields, Middlesex, spinster, granddaughter of (2)
Articles of agreement (and counterpart) for the marriage settlement of James Nicholson and (3). James Nicholson will convey messuages and lands in County Durham of annual value £500. (2) will convey annuities of £100, £50 and £30 to James Nicholson for remainder of a term of 99 years.
Consideration: £3,000 and £200