Francis Blacker or Blackett of Armagh, Ireland

Submitted by alkirtley on Sat, 01/25/2025 - 18:13

Francis Blacker was born in Armagh, Ireland about 1845, the son of Valentine Blacker. He married Catherine English in Drumcree, Armagh in 1860 and at least two of their children were born there. By 1874, however, he had moved to Jarrow, Co. Durham and had adopted the name of Blackett, and at least three further children of him and Catherine were born there with the surname of Blackett.

Visit with Sir Hugh Blackett to the restored ice house at Matfen

Submitted by alkirtley on Mon, 07/26/2021 - 12:30

In June 2018, while in Northumberland to give a talk to a local history society, the three "Blacketteers", Pat Longbottom, Martin Blackett and Al Kirtley stayed at Matfen Hall, then still owned by Sir Hugh Blackett. 

Sir Hugh kindly showed us round the recently restored ice house in the grounds of Matfen, where ice for the main house was at one time made. and which had hitherto been derelict for many years. Here are some of the photos taken by Al Kirtley on that day.

Cavendish connections

Submitted by alkirtley on Thu, 07/08/2021 - 14:31

Although no direct blood relationships between the Blacketts and the Cavendish family have been discovered there are a number of indirect connections through marriage, including several interesting ones.

James Blackett/Blacketer/Blackadder of Stirling, Scotland

Submitted by alkirtley on Thu, 06/11/2020 - 09:25

James Blackett was baptised in St. Ninians, Stirlingshire, Scotland in 1727, the son of Malcolm Blackett and Jennet Cairns. However, on the marriage of his parents in 1726 his father was described as Malcolm Blackater, lawful son to Malcolm Blackater and over subsequent generations the surname varies between Blackett, Blacketer and Blackadder with slight variations. 

A Blackett "State funeral"

Submitted by alkirtley on Tue, 12/10/2019 - 13:31
Trinity Church c1901
Trinity Church c1901

A "State funeral" was conducted at Trinity Church, in Portsmouth Virginia on Sunday the 15th of October 1775. The Commanding officer of the Virginia detachment of the 14th Regiment of Foot, Captain William Blackett, had died the previous day